SBP - Sona Breweries PLC
SBP stands for Sona Breweries PLC
Here you will find, what does SBP stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sona Breweries PLC? Sona Breweries PLC can be abbreviated as SBP What does SBP stand for? SBP stands for Sona Breweries PLC. What does Sona Breweries PLC mean?The based company is located in engaged in food production industry.
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Alternative definitions of SBP
- McChesney Field, San Luis Obispo County Airport, San Luis Obispo, California USA
- Sustaining Base Pool (Non-deploying R C units that launch the force)
- State Bank Of Pakistan
- School Breakfast Program
- Serial Bus Protocol
- Small Business Plan
- Small Business Plan
- Small Business Plan
View 93 other definitions of SBP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SSAG See Spital AG
- SMR Suzuki Motor Rus
- SCRE Summit Commercial Real Estate
- SMA Southern Medical Association
- SCR Salford City Radio
- SCI Shelton College International
- SDCL Spirit Data Capture Ltd
- STT Sofia Technologies Tunisia
- SPG The Shockey Precast Group
- SCB Smart Currency Business
- SCS Spiral Content Solutions
- SAMA Strategic Account Management Association
- STC Schneider Tree Care
- SIA Shanghai International Airport
- SRBCPL SRB Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
- SSSI Soliman Security Services Inc.
- SSSIDF Small Scale Sustainable Infrastructure Development Fund
- SMCL SM Corporation Ltd.
- SHI Sure Haven Inc.
- SMP Simeon Manners Property